by cogdogblog
Someone asked if Diigo is better than Pearl Trees. Here’s what I had to say.
The answer is they are both great social
bookmarking tools. I think they are both
reliable and do similar things. It
depends on which one you are most comfortable with. I had no experience with either of these
tools. So, I chose Diigo because my Professor,
Alec Couros suggested it and once I started using it, I felt very comfortable
with the tool. I did watch some videos
on Pearl Trees and it looked good as well.
When I started using Diigo, it was easy to bookmark things of interest
to me and Diigo provided me with a free teacher account with free storage, I started
using it and never looked elsewhere.
Research on Google had the two rated very similar.
Here are some of the functions that I
really like:
1) I liked it because it was easy to login and use. I was able to save, bookmark, share and annotate documents directly from your
browser and they are stored in a list on your diigo page. For example, I can highlight
portions of the page and even put a sticky note on the page! A recent upgrade allows for annotation on
PDF’s which is a handy feature in my work and as a student going to
I like the screen capture option which you can
save independently or attach it to the specific webpage.
3) I applied for a teacher
account and within a couple of days, I was given access to a lot more storage space - all free! As a classroom
teacher, I can add student names (email addresses or Diigo accounts not
required). As a coordinator, I can
invite other teachers to one of my Groups.
The one I created is called, “Mr. B’s Special Education Resource Library”.
4) My library can be shared privately with people I invite or I can
make it open to the public. Other
professionals can look at my resources and they can even add some to my
page. As the only person who has
Administrative rights to the account, I can control who or what is posted and if
I want to exclude someone, I have the ability to do so. It’s easy to add tags so you can search for
topics more easily and add comments on links as well!
5) Organizing my topics and/or research directly into my folders or
Lists as they call them is simple and it has the feature of “tagging” items so
that they are more easily searchable.
6) Now, this is all wonderful but would you believe that Diigo can
actually expand your Professional Learning Network too? Well, I found over 1000 different links to
different groups. If you are new to developing
my PLN, this is a great place to start! I
was so pleased to be able to find other Special Educators all in one
location! Here are the 4 that I have
decided to follow for now! I’m so
excited to be a part of their network and look forward to expanding mine!
a. AT in SPED -
: A group geared toward
finding and sharing information about AAC research, communication and Assistive
b. Technology for Special Education -
c. Special Ed in the 21st Century -
No Child Left Behind? Web 2.0 can be an outlet for these often
'Left Behind' voices. Resource supplement for a Ning network with the same
d. Diigo In Education
7) Hot Bookmarks from the
Library are listed under the “Community” link.
This has been so helpful for me in this class because I can search by
interest (e.g. special educators) and it provides me with a list of interesting
articles! I have been able to search
areas of interest and save them to my library but also tweet out the
interesting articles. At the beginning
of this class, I would always wonder where fellow classmates would find such interesting
articles! Wow, this only took me until
This is awesome Kelly! Thanks for the summary of this tool. I've been wondering how Long it's going to take me to go back through all the bookmarks I've made from my browser favorites. Ugh! Even more motivated to check out one of these tools. I didn't realize it has social networking capabilities too. Cool! Thanks for sharing your experience:)