
Monday, 17 November 2014

Major Project: Initial Feedback/Responses

Initial Feedback/Responses

Vote Now Show cake by BBC Radio 4, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License   by  BBC Radio 4 

 I have emailed and Tweeted approx. 25 teachers with whom I work with to look at my Diigo Library.  The response thus far has been very positive.  Here are some comments:   

1)      “Diigo is a fantastic tool to be able to help organize different information and research that is needed.  Diigo is user friendly.  Thank you for suggesting I look into using Diigo as a platform for storing and using information.  I appreciate having a web-based platform to upload resources, articles and journals  that I can access with any device I am using.  Very beneficial to be able to access all resources at my fingertips.” 

2)      “I checked out the library and appreciated how easy it is to navigate.  Diigo similar to iGo that we use at Knoll.  I’ll keep perusing.”
3)  "I've been considering using this bookmarking tool and now you've talked me into it. Thanks for the inspiration!"

The responses haven't come flying in...I would like a few more comments from teachers!  I'm hoping it is because they are busy with report cards/IIP's and not because they are disinterested!  The goal of creating the library was to be able to store and share resources as a community of learners and be able to expand our personal/professional learning network.  I am excited about the possibilities and can't wait to see where this goes!!

This is the letter that I sent out to teachers:

Check out this Library of Special Education Resources

Hi Everyone,

Back in September I mentioned in our first meeting that I was taking a university night class on Social Media and Open Education.  We are learning about  many amazing tools that can help us, as teachers, to share and grow our own learning!  The major project that I took on has been based on the gathering of and sharing of resources.  I wanted to create a website where I could share out these resources but then my professor said that a “static” web page was a good idea but it is past tense!  In other words, a web page was the way we used to do things and it only allowed for the “curator” or designer of the web page to put what thought was important onto the site.  I didn’t realize this but it was recommended that I look around at different tools such as the one you are encouraged to look at.  The new technological age we live and navigate it promotes more sharing and collaborating of resources! 

Hence, the creation of a Library of Resources for Special Educators.  This is under construction at the moment but I need your help.  I only have 3 weeks left in my course (I have to be done by Nov 30th) and I’m needing you’re help:   

    1. Check out the library and provide me some feedback on it.  This can be anything...for example, what does it look like, how easy is it to navigate on, what are the resources like, what do you think of this type of sharing, would you utilize this type of thing, check out the Vocational Folder (or List),etc.  etc.  It’s ok to be critical and honest…that’s what it is all about.
    2. I will eventually be asking you to join up (get an account) so that you too can post things to the Library.  http:www.//  You need an account to be able to post things but not required if you just want to “snoop around”! 

Here’s the link to the library:

Here the link to sign up for Diigo: 

Thank you in advance.
