
Thursday, 9 October 2014

Google “Eye Opener”

Google “Eye Opener”

Google Apps for Education by Michael Wacker (Oct 7, 2014)

This session was a great ‘eye opener’ and introduction for me.  I kept trying to make connections with the power of Google Docs (iGo) and with my current job and this was a challenge because in our department, we don’t currently make any use of Google Docs or iGo.  Much of our work is stored and shared on a secured drive for confidentiality.  After giving this more thought, it occurred to me that I was probably limiting my view on how this tool could help me.  So, I came up with three ideas/areas that I could use this tool:

1)      Share out general information with the 4 people I work with. 

2)      Share out general information to principals I work with.

3)      Share out documents/calendars/etc. with teachers/programs that I work with.

It’s going to take getting in the habit of utilizing this new tool and asking other teachers to do the same.  I’m actually quite excited about the potential of this tool.  I see it opening the doors to greater collaboration amongst colleagues!

 Action Plan:  I’m going to set up 1 document I can share with 4 of my colleagues and it will be related to our “Weekly” Meeting Agenda.  I know it sounds pretty simplistic but it’s a start and a good intro to our team!  I’m hoping this will start a wave of new thinking in our office! 

Special thanks to @MichaelWacker for his time tonight!