
Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Major Project: Special Education #Hashtags & Twitter

Major Project: Special Education #Hashtags & Twitter

To think that only 10 weeks ago I was introduced to Twitter.  I really didn't see what all the hype was about.  I started following people and some things were interesting but I found things like news websites more interesting.  I was surprised how many people followed Twitter but I couldn't figure out why they would find this interesting.  I had no time for this and it just didn't make sense to me! Frustration!  When would I fit this in to my already busy life!? Grrr!!  My first impressions of Twitter were just not fact, very frustrating!  I found reading blogs in our classroom more interesting - now this I found impressive!  In fact, it was a bit intimidating because all of you could write up a storm!!  However, with all the rave about this #Saskedchat, I thought I would tune in one Thursday evening.  This was definitely a turning point for me as I was welcomed in and was truly impressed with the chat!  TSN Turning point for me!!    

2 weeks ago - Remembrance Day Tuesday, I just happened to be following someone who said to join them for a Special Education Chat (#spedchat).  It's the same time as we have our class but because our class was canceled last week due to Remembrance Day, I joined in!  Well, this just opened MY EYES to TWITTER!  I found a bunch of people who are special educators and I started following them and sharing resources!  NOW I GET the whole Twitter thing...and honestly, i'm hooked!

I feel bad that it took me so long to figure this out but that's just the way it goes sometimes.  I found this class to be very challenging for me because I am not very technologically inclined.  I found it hard to keep up in ECI831 and I had many technological setbacks along the way that consumed so much time.  However, when I look back now, I'm a little embarrassed at how long it took me to get involved in Twitter.  Funny how you can go from Frustration to Addiction, all in a matter of weeks!  haha!

As promised, I've created a list of 20 hashtags - I know there is probably more but I thought it might save newbie Special Educators some time!  Please add if you have additional hashtags!

Special Education #Hashtags
